Taming.io Pet Tier List (2024)

1. Taming.io Pets Tier list | Fandom

  • Jun 10, 2022 · Taming.io Pets Tier list based off of how good…

  • Taming.io Pets Tier list based off of how good…

2. User blog:OWLSERDOCTER/Pet tier list - Taming.io Wiki

  • S: Fox. Dragon. Living mushroom. Water Fairy. Plant Fairy. Iceberg. Black spider. Bull. Cow (Great healer). Snow wolf.

  • S: Fox. Dragon. Living mushroom. Water Fairy. Plant Fairy. Iceberg. Black spider. Bull. Cow (Great healer). Snow wolf. Polecat. Raven. Barn Owl A: Sheep. Ice golem. Boar (Would put on S but got a...

3. Taming.io - The online multiplayer survival game with pets!

  • Taming.io - Gather resources to build your village. Unlock weapons to defend yourself from hostile creatures and other players. Tame animals to help you ...

  • Taming.io - Gather resources to build you a shelter and prepare you for the night. Unlock weapons to defend yourself from hostile creatures and other players. Tame animals to help you defend yourself.

4. How to play Taming.io

  • Pets and wild animals have 3 possible levels. Defeat enemies to level up your pet making it bigger, stronger, and faster. Your pets can be named and given ...

  • Find out how to play Taming.io. Discover the game's strategies to kill bosses, win levels faster or increase your number of golden apples.

5. Your 4 top pets (Most Used) - Stratics Community Forums

  • Aug 30, 2019 · My list: The basic RC/AI/Poison blue beetle, found in both my tamers' stables (one is a TH/Tamer, the ...

  • I think at the end of the say most of us come down to 2-4 pets that are our go to pets. And of course we all have our one favorite main pet. I am leaving Tritons out for now, I like them they are powerful....... they are uglier than my X wife :) I am not a fan of CUs, never have been, I keep...

6. Survivor.io Best Pets Tier List - Pet Ranking (August 2024)

  • Pet tier list in Survivor.io. Croaky: Tier S; DD-6: Tier S; Rex: Tier A; Crabobble: Tier A; Neemo: Tier B ...

  • You can choose your favorite Survivor.io Best Pets in the game and enjoy this gaming journey. These pets will be helpful to you as they will help you in tough

7. The Dog is the Tamer's best friend - Taming.io News

  • Oct 18, 2023 · During Taming.io's birthday party, all players start their game with a dog by their side. Otherwise, to play with it, you'll have to tame ...

  • Keep up to date with all the news about Taming.io! Participate in many events and competitions that will make you win Golden Apples, cosmetics and potions to start your games!

8. More winners in the leaderboard! - Taming.io News

  • You thought you were the 601st best player on taming.io but there was no way to prove it since the ranking stopped at 600. You only need to unlock 2 pets to ...

  • Keep up to date with all the news about Taming.io! Participate in many events and competitions that will make you win Golden Apples, cosmetics and potions to start your games!

Taming.io Pet Tier List (2024)


What is the rarest pet in taming io? ›

The Goldfish is a very rare animal that appears only once a year, and for a limited time. It is the emblematic animal of Taming. io's April Fools' Day. It takes on the appearance of a round fish when it is only a baby, and when it grows into an adult.

What is the weakest pet in taming io? ›

Normal Types are the weakest and lowest tier type in the game. It is unique in that it lacks any advantage against other types.

What is the fastest pet in taming io? ›

The Unicorn has the skill rainbow dash, which is the second greatest dashing ability in the game being able to reach 450% of your base speed, while the fastest is Lynx with 500%.

How do you get good pets in taming io? ›

A helpful pet can be obtained by taming a baby animal. Approach it while it is sleeping and press the paw button to tame it. If you're lucky, it will become your pet. Each animal has a different chance of being tamed, which can be improved by using a slingshot or an appletor.

Which pet can wear a crown? ›

Metal crowns are the most common type of crown used in dogs and cats because they are the most durable type of crown. Compared with other crown types, metal crowns also require less tooth structure to be removed.

What is the max OB in taming io? ›

Overbreed can be done up to OB 30, although a level 60 pet with OB 9 is enough to max out each stat. Some pets gain more experience points than others, those being: Vulture.

What is the best weapon in taming io? ›

The stone sword is generally considered the strongest Age 1 weapon, due to it's large DPS and range which can easily decimate new or mobile players who find difficulty healing.

What is the highest age in taming, IO? ›

Age is essentially the player's level. At every level until and including age 27, you get to obtain and upgrade tools and structures. Farming any resource grants XP for aging up (by hitting a tree, rock, food and gold).

What does BMB stand for taming in io? ›

Big Mamma Bosses, also known as BMBs, are larger and more powerful versions of boss animals. Unlike actual bosses, they do not appear on the minimap. They are aggressive but will fall asleep if not attacked.

How many Z's fly above the head of sleeping tampons? ›

What is the flavor of cookiesBerries
How many Z's fly above the head of sleepingTamons?2
How many Bosses (not Tamons) are there?13
When can you tame a Tamon?When it's asleep
89 more rows

What is a tamon taming in io? ›

Animals (also known as Tamons) are a massive part of the game. They can be tamed and have special abilities, types, stats, and sometimes other quirks (such as the inability to be mounted) that allow for a big diversity in play styles, synergy, and combinations.

What are the rarest Roblox pets? ›

Monkey King is the rarest pet in Roblox Adopt Me! It is a limited legendary pet that requires three Staff Ingredients (legendary toy) and one Monkey (a rare pet) to be obtained.

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