Step Through Code Line-By-Line Using Online GDB (2024)



Web Development

Published Nov 8, 2023 ⦁ 4 min read


Online debuggers like GDB allow developers to step through code line-by-line for precision debugging. This granular execution control is extremely useful for tracking down bugs and understanding complex logic flows. The online GDB debugger specifically provides this capability without needing to install anything locally. It is accessible through any modern web browser for free, making it easy to start debugging code with GDB right away. Online GDB gives developers the power to meticulously step through and inspect their code.

Getting Started with Online GDB

Getting started with online GDB is quick and easy. Simply go to and create a free account. The interface has several panels including the editor, variables, breakpoints, call stack, and more. Load up the C++ code file you want to debug in the editor panel. Online GDB supports many programming languages like C, C++, Python, JavaScript, Go, Rust, and more.

Sample Debug Session Walkthrough

Let's walk through a sample debug session to see online GDB in action. We'll set a breakpoint on main.cpp line 5, then begin execution. When it hits the breakpoint, we'll step over a few lines of code while inspecting variables like x and y to see how they change. The breakpoint halts execution precisely on line 5 as expected. After stepping over line 6, we check the values of x and y in the variables panel. x is initialized to 10, while y is still uninitialized. Stepping again executes line 7, updating y to 15. This simple example demonstrates the core debugging workflow for stepping through code and examining state changes. Online GDB has many other helpful features like watch expressions and plotting variables over time.

Configuring Online GDB Settings

Online GDB is highly customizable to suit your debugging needs. Compiler flags can be configured to control optimization levels. The theme can be changed to prefer dark or light mode. Frequently used compiler configurations can be saved as presets for quick access later. CLI aliases speed up typing common commands like next, continue, etc. Remote file systems can be mounted through SFTP to directly access source code. The settings are flexible enough to accommodate any debugging use case.

Online GDB Features and Capabilities

The online gdb debugger has a robust set of features for debugging code. Developers can set breakpoints, step through code line-by-line, step into functions, examine the call stack, inspect variables, and more. The persistent environment enables seamlessly resuming past sessions. Collaborative debugging is easy with shareable links and workspaces. Online GDB also integrates with many source control systems, IDEs, and platforms.

Built-in Debugger Visualizations

Advanced visualizer panels provide deeper insights into program execution. Memory heatmaps highlight hot spots, while call graphs trace function relationships. Watch values are plotted over time as line graphs to visualize data changes. Registers and instructions are inspected at the assembly level. Mouse over variables to display values inline. These powerful visual tools take debugging to the next level.

Handy Online GDB Utilities

Online GDB includes many handy utilities like a CLI terminal, calculators, converters, macro recording and more. Remote files can be directly accessed through mounted folders and drives. Switching to offline mode lets you debug without an internet connection. Local debugger servers provide latency-free debugging. The utilities make the debugging experience smooth and efficient.

Use Cases and Applications

The online gdb debugger supports many languages and frameworks. It is great for debugging C/C++, Rust, Go, and Python code. Web developers can debug JavaScript, TypeScript, and Node.js apps. Remote server and embedded systems debugging is also possible. Classroom and educational settings benefit from its collaboration features.

Tips for Debugging Specific Languages

Certain languages have nuances to be aware of when debugging. For Python, ensure you're running the latest version 3.x for full compatibility. Enable Rust's debug symbols to see variable values. Go's goroutines require using threaded debugging. These tips help enhance the debugging experience for each language.

Integrations and Extensions

IDEs like VSCode, Atom, and PyCharm have plugins for integrating online GDB debugging into their workflows. The CodeLLDB extension brings online GDB right inside VSCode. Browser extensions like gdbgui and mobile apps provide additional access points. Related online debuggers like,, and others provide similar capabilities as well.


Online GDB enables stepping through code line-by-line for precision debugging without any installation needed. It has robust features for controlling execution, inspecting state, collaborating, and visualizing data. The online gdb debugger supports many languages and use cases. For granular inspection of code, online GDB is a must-have tool for any developer's debugging toolkit. Platforms like DevHunt are great places to find and showcase developer tools built with online GDB.


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Step Through Code Line-By-Line Using Online GDB (2024)


Step Through Code Line-By-Line Using Online GDB? ›

How to go step by step in GDB? To step through a program in GDB, you can use the following commands: step (or s ): Step into functions. next (or n ): Step over functions.

How do you step through program line by line in GDB? ›

To execute one line of code, type "step" or "s". If the line to be executed is a function call, gdb will step into that function and start executing its code one line at a time. If you want to execute the entire function with one keypress, type "next" or "n".

How to pass command line arguments using GDB? ›

Passing command line arguments to GDB
  1. Overview:
  2. Step 1: Creating a program to debug.
  3. Step 2: Compiling the program with -g flag.
  4. Step 3: Start GDB with Command Line Arguments.
  5. Step 4: Passing the arguments.
  6. Step 5: Setting the breakpoint.
  7. Step 6: Start debugging the program.
  8. Step 7: Quit GDB.
Dec 6, 2023

How do you step back a line in GDB? ›

Run the program backward until control reaches the start of a different source line; then stop it, and return control to gdb. Like the step command, reverse-step will only stop at the beginning of a source line. It “un-executes” the previously executed source line.

How do I step out a function in GDB? ›

Those who use Visual Studio will be familiar with the Shift + F11 hotkey, which steps out of a function, meaning it continues execution of the current function until it returns to its caller, at which point it stops.

How to use GDB to step through a program? ›

To step through a program in GDB, you can use the following commands:
  1. step (or s ): Step into functions.
  2. next (or n ): Step over functions.
  3. continue (or c ): Continue execution until the next breakpoint.
Jul 12, 2024

What is the difference between step and Stepi in GDB? ›

Use the step command to execute a line of source code. When the line being stepped contains a function call, the step command steps into the function and stops at the first executable statement. Use the stepi command to step into the next machine instruction.

How to use GDB debugger command-line? ›

Invoke GDB by running the program gdb . Once started, GDB reads commands from the terminal until you tell it to exit. You can also run gdb with a variety of arguments and options, to specify more of your debugging environment at the outset.

How to pass parameters from command-line? ›

Enclose the variable=value clause in parentheses. If the parameter contains any characters treated specially by your operating system (such as parentheses in Windows NT), enclose the entire parameter within double quotes and escape any embedded double quotes to pass them through the operating system.

How do you access command-line arguments within the code? ›

Command line arguments in C are passed to the main function as argc and argv. Command line arguments are used to control the program from the outside. argv[argc] is a Null pointer. The name of the program is stored in argv[0], the first command-line parameter in argv[1], and the last argument in argv[n].

How do I backtrace one line in GDB? ›

To print a backtrace of the entire stack, use the backtrace command, or its alias bt . This command will print one line per frame for frames in the stack. By default, all stack frames are printed. You can stop the backtrace at any time by typing the system interrupt character, normally Ctrl-c .

Can I step backwards in GDB? ›

If the target environment supports it, GDB can allow you to “rewind” the program by running it backward. A target environment that supports reverse execution should be able to “undo” the changes in machine state that have taken place as the program was executing normally. Variables, registers etc.

What is step return in debugging? ›

Select the Step Return command [ ] to return from a method which has been stepped into. Even though we return from the method, the remainder of the code inside the method will be executed normally. To step return from a method you must have execution suspended and be stepping through code.

How to get out of function in GDB? ›

Returning from a function

You can cancel execution of a function call with the return command. If you give an expression argument, its value is used as the function's return value. When you use return , GDB discards the selected stack frame (and all frames within it).

What is the difference between step and continue in GDB? ›

Continuing means resuming program execution until your program completes normally. In contrast, stepping means executing just one more "step" of your program, where "step" may mean either one line of source code, or one machine instruction (depending on what particular command you use).

How do you step out of a function? ›

Stepping Out of a Function

on the Debug toolbar or select Debug:Step Out to step out of the function. The debugger executes the rest of the function without pausing, and then returns to the line after the function call and pauses.

How to compile C program line by line? ›

Step 1: Open your terminal, navigate to the directory containing your C file using the cd command. Step 2: Type gcc myfile.c -o hello to compile your C file. The -o hello part of the command names the output file "hello". Step 3: Run your program by typing ./myfile.

How do I step line by line in Visual Studio? ›

You can click the Debug | Step Over menu or press the keyboard shortcut F10 to execute the current line and jump into the next line for execution. Click the Debug | Step Into menu item or press the F11 key to step into any property or method for debugging.

How to run Python code line by line in Visual Studio Code? ›

Select one or more lines, then press Shift+Enter or right-click and select Run Selection/Line in Python Terminal. This command is convenient for testing just a part of a file.

How to debug VB net code line by line? ›

Set a breakpoint and start the debugger
  1. In the For loop of the Main function, set a breakpoint by clicking in the left margin on the following line of code: name += letters(i) ...
  2. Press F5 or the Start Debugging button. The app starts and the debugger runs to the line of code where you set the breakpoint.
Oct 30, 2023

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